“Hi my name is Emery Elise Jacobs and I am a shape changer.”
Isn’t that the opening line to an AA meeting? Don’t get me wrong
there’s nothing wrong with AA people, but I just feel like that has nothing to
do with my current situation. Oh and if you aren’t surprised by all of
this, then let me tell you one thing, I sure as shit am.
The morning of my 25th birthday is one that I’ll never forget. I woke up to the sounds of pots and pans banging in my kitchen. There was only one explanation for the excessive noise beating against my eardrums. My mother. I see she’s figured out a way to steal my house key again. I change the locks on this place at least once a month.
The locksmith knows me by name and number. He doesn’t answer anymore, he just shows up at the house with a new lock. I still haven’t figured out how she continues to pop up with a key. I bet she was a fox in another life.
I got out of bed and slipped my feet into my fuzzy slippers. It felt like my feet were on a mini vacation. As I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I notice that my pajamas now looked like capri’. “You’ve got to be shitting me. How the hell did I grow over night? I don’t need this right now,” I mumbled under my breath. I’ve had these for years, and today they decided to shrink. I’m not going to worry about it, I’ll just have to figure out where to buy some more, another thing to add to my ever growing to-do list.
“Ma, what are you doing here?” I say as I walk into the kitchen in search for my cheerios and a bowl. I wasn’t in the mood to eat whatever experiment she’s trying to fix this morning. I could see the smoke rising from the pan as soon as I walked by the stove. The one thing I realized growing up was that my mother could not cook. I have no idea who my father is, but given my overnight growth spurt I figure that he’s pretty tall.
“Holy crap Emery, what’s going on with your hair? You do remember me calling you last night and telling you I was coming over. Luckily I have a key and didn’t have to wake you up to let me in. Now go and…”
“Get dressed, nope, mom that’s not going to happen. I plan on spending my 25th birthday in bed watching Beauty and the Beast, like I do every year. And if you don’t like that, you can you use the key that you stole from me and leave.”
The morning of my 25th birthday is one that I’ll never forget. I woke up to the sounds of pots and pans banging in my kitchen. There was only one explanation for the excessive noise beating against my eardrums. My mother. I see she’s figured out a way to steal my house key again. I change the locks on this place at least once a month.
The locksmith knows me by name and number. He doesn’t answer anymore, he just shows up at the house with a new lock. I still haven’t figured out how she continues to pop up with a key. I bet she was a fox in another life.
I got out of bed and slipped my feet into my fuzzy slippers. It felt like my feet were on a mini vacation. As I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I notice that my pajamas now looked like capri’. “You’ve got to be shitting me. How the hell did I grow over night? I don’t need this right now,” I mumbled under my breath. I’ve had these for years, and today they decided to shrink. I’m not going to worry about it, I’ll just have to figure out where to buy some more, another thing to add to my ever growing to-do list.
“Ma, what are you doing here?” I say as I walk into the kitchen in search for my cheerios and a bowl. I wasn’t in the mood to eat whatever experiment she’s trying to fix this morning. I could see the smoke rising from the pan as soon as I walked by the stove. The one thing I realized growing up was that my mother could not cook. I have no idea who my father is, but given my overnight growth spurt I figure that he’s pretty tall.
“Holy crap Emery, what’s going on with your hair? You do remember me calling you last night and telling you I was coming over. Luckily I have a key and didn’t have to wake you up to let me in. Now go and…”
“Get dressed, nope, mom that’s not going to happen. I plan on spending my 25th birthday in bed watching Beauty and the Beast, like I do every year. And if you don’t like that, you can you use the key that you stole from me and leave.”
I stop mid walk to the fridge, did I just cut my mother off? I’ve never
done that before. I was raised to not talk back or get my mouth popped. This
day is already starting to blow. Not only did I grow randomly over night,
I also grew a pair of balls and decided to tell my mom where to stick it.
“Oh, no you don’t young
lady. You will not talk to your mother that way. You will not disrespect me at
all. I don’t care if it is your birthday or not. Now get your ass in your room
Wow, ma must have grown a
pair also, because I suddenly had the urge to go get dressed. Everything in me was
screaming ‘hurry, hurry, hurry’. I might
not like it but the next thing I knew I was standing at my closet.
Twenty minutes later I walk
back into the kitchen to find my favorite breakfast on the counter, with no
scorch marks, along with an envelope with my name on it. I sat down and started
eating when I noticed that my mom was nowhere around. I had to admit that this
was weird. Great food and a mysterious envelope, what else could happen today?
Hell I might as well open this and figure out what she had to say.
“Dear Emery,
I know you are wondering what’s going on with your body right now and are wondering why you are getting upset with your mother all of a sudden. Don’t worry this is all normal for this time period in your life. I am sorry that you weren’t able to grow up around me, but I love you nonetheless. If you have any question about who I am, give me a call. All you have to do is ask your mother for the number. It is time for us to meet.
Love, Dad”
“Dear Emery,
I know you are wondering what’s going on with your body right now and are wondering why you are getting upset with your mother all of a sudden. Don’t worry this is all normal for this time period in your life. I am sorry that you weren’t able to grow up around me, but I love you nonetheless. If you have any question about who I am, give me a call. All you have to do is ask your mother for the number. It is time for us to meet.
Love, Dad”
Holy shit Batman! I cannot
believe that I just received a letter from my dad. I have a real father, and
this time I just thought he was a just sperm donor. I can’t wait to tell
my bestie Jessica. She is going to be so stoked…. Wait did this thing just say
that my mother knew. This whole FREAKING time she knew about my father and
didn’t tell me. All those nights that I cried myself to sleep wishing I had a
father to play ball with and she didn’t say anything. Wait until I get my hands
on that damn woman I’m going to wring her fucking neck.
I was getting so pissed. I could feel the anger boiling in my veins. My mind was telling me to calm down and hear what she had to say, but my heart was breaking in a million pieces. It was time to call the egg donor, so she could answer for herself.
“’Lucy you got some ‘plaining to do.’” I said when she answered her phone. “So, I just opened this letter that was lying next to the breakfast you cooked for me. Do you have anything you want to tell me?” I tried my best to not let my anger show in my voice but I wasn’t succeeding.
“Dear, what are you talking about?”
“Mom, please don’t act like you don’t know. I know you put this letter here when you left. And by the way thanks for leaving while I was in the shower anyhow. But that’s not the point.”
“Emery darling what are you talking about? What letter?”
I know I was being an ass, but if she continues to act like one; well I can’t be blamed for my actions. “Mom, the letter that was by my breakfast this morning that was apparently from my father, the same dad that you knew about all this time and didn’t tell me about. The man’s sperm that you said was only good for was to make me; the man that I cried over when I was 7 years old because I couldn’t be a princess without a king as a father, that dad!!” I was becoming hysterical; I wanted to bash my head on the counter.
“Oh shit not now, this can’t be happening.”
I was getting so pissed. I could feel the anger boiling in my veins. My mind was telling me to calm down and hear what she had to say, but my heart was breaking in a million pieces. It was time to call the egg donor, so she could answer for herself.
“’Lucy you got some ‘plaining to do.’” I said when she answered her phone. “So, I just opened this letter that was lying next to the breakfast you cooked for me. Do you have anything you want to tell me?” I tried my best to not let my anger show in my voice but I wasn’t succeeding.
“Dear, what are you talking about?”
“Mom, please don’t act like you don’t know. I know you put this letter here when you left. And by the way thanks for leaving while I was in the shower anyhow. But that’s not the point.”
“Emery darling what are you talking about? What letter?”
I know I was being an ass, but if she continues to act like one; well I can’t be blamed for my actions. “Mom, the letter that was by my breakfast this morning that was apparently from my father, the same dad that you knew about all this time and didn’t tell me about. The man’s sperm that you said was only good for was to make me; the man that I cried over when I was 7 years old because I couldn’t be a princess without a king as a father, that dad!!” I was becoming hysterical; I wanted to bash my head on the counter.
“Oh shit not now, this can’t be happening.”
“What do you mean, ‘this can’t be
“Emery where are you? Are you still at the house? Don’t eat the food. I promise to tell you everything when I get back. I just… ok I’m on my way.” With that she hung up the phone, leaving looking at my hand and an empty plate.
“Emery where are you? Are you still at the house? Don’t eat the food. I promise to tell you everything when I get back. I just… ok I’m on my way.” With that she hung up the phone, leaving looking at my hand and an empty plate.
What was in the food, it tasted great. It was the best breakfast she’s
ever cooked and there were no egg shells or other things that weren’t supposed
to be in there. Things my mother has a habit of leaving in my food, because she
wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing as usual. What the hell is going
on? I tell you, this day was starting to become one for the books.
I reread the letter from my “Dad”. It
didn’t give my any clue as to what was going on with me today. None of this was
making any sense. All I know is that woman called my mother better hurry up and
get her ass here.
I heard the front door open and was in the living room before I knew it.
I’ve never moved so fast in my life. One second I was in the kitchen and the
next I knew, I just scared the shit out of my mom.
“Well I see that things are developing fast. Please don’t tell me that you
ate that food. I didn’t make it for you dear. I was on my way to the store when
you called. I can’t believe this is happening all ready. They told me not until
you were 25…”
“MA! What are you talking about? Quit rambling, shut up and go sit down.”
“…not until I had the… What did you just say to me? I know you are
confused and things are happening that you do not understand but if you do not
stop talking to me like I am your
child I am going to leave without an explanation. Do you understand me young
What else could I say to her besides, “Yes ma’am?” I walked into the
living room with my mom hot on my tail. I couldn’t believe how I have been
acting towards her.
“Ok, so let me start from the beginning. Please do not interrupt me for
anything. If I don’t get this all out in time, I might not be able to tell you
everything. If you have to pee, hold it. If the phone rings, do not answer. And
if there is a knock on the front door, by God do not get off that couch. Do you
If she was expecting an answer to that rhetorical question, she wasn’t
getting one. What could I say? ‘No?’ Ha that wasn’t going to happen. I really
would like to figure out what is going on with me right now and she was the
only one with the answers.
I watched her take a seat and start rubbing her hands on her knees. A
nervous tick she only did when there was something she had to do that she might
not like. For the first time in twenty-five years I actually looked at my
mother. I mean really looked. She looked like the world was placed on her
shoulders and wasn’t trying to orbit anytime soon.
My mother wasn’t beautiful by today’s standards. What I mean by that is,
she wasn’t a size 2 or 3; she was a size 9. Her height maxed out at 5’3”, to
which I constantly teased her about. Elizabeth Jacobs was a MILF. She was sexy,
at only 45, she had curves you wouldn’t ordinarily see on a white woman. Which
to me I didn’t think she was fully Caucasian, but she never talked about her
ancestry. But looking at her now, reminded me of stereotypical trailer park
trash. She just looked busted.
“Emery, I want to start by saying I love you and I would never do anything
to intentionally hurt you. I’m sorry that this has to come out this way, but it
is the only way to tell you. I wish I could have told you sooner but I was
under a spell and if I told you before today I would lose the one thing I loved
the most, you. So hear me out before you ask any question, kay?”
Another rhetorical question, but ok whatever, I thought to myself. And
what is this talk about spells and dying?
“Ok so hear it goes. Emery you are a shape changer. Wait, before you say
anything. Please just listen. You heard me correct. You can change
shapes. I’m not talking about squares and rectangles here, I talking about
animals and such. When I met your father, he was Second in his clan. I knew
there was something different about him I just never knew what. We were in
college when we met. He was graduating that year and I was just starting my
sophomore year. As you could expect I was a nineteen year old girl that was
excited an older guy was interested in her. I mean he was gorgeous. He had a
smile that would make me want to climb him like a rope, grab him by the ears
and ride him like…”
“Mom!!!” I had to interrupt that walk down memory lane. That was close;
one thing I did not want to know about was my mother sex life.
“I’m sorry dear, I digress. Anyway, what your father and I had was real;
even if it was brief. I found out I was pregnant the day after homecoming. I
was excited. I mean I wasn’t trying to trap him, but I really thought we were
going to be together. I can still see the look on your father face when I told
him. He was so excited. The next I knew he just disappeared. I mean he just
vanished right before my eyes. I haven’t seen him in years.
The day you were born, I woke up to find someone trying to take you out of
my arms. I went to press the call button but found that I couldn’t move. I
tried to scream, but there was no sound. All I could do is plead in my head
that I would do anything, give anything to keep you in my life. At that moment
the woman asked me my name, when I told her what my name was she told me I was
unworthy to have a baby that was a changer. She said that half witches are
beneath the Clan and that I could not keep my baby. I begged her to let me keep
you. I told her that I would not say anything to damage their Clan. But just don’t
take my baby away from me.
Once she saw that I would come after you, when I got out the hospital, she
made me swear a blood oath that I would not say anything to anyone about what
you were. If I did so I would die. After that happened I woke up in my
apartment with a beautiful little girl, a headache, and a letter explaining to
me the details of my oath. I promise I wanted to tell you everything. I even
tried on your 16th birthday, but I got sick and that’s why we had to cancel
your party. I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to tell you earlier. Forgive me?”
It took me a minute to process what she just told me. I didn’t know what
to do or what to say. A witch and a shape changer made me. So what was I? Half
shape changer, ¼ witch, and ¼ whatever race I was? I had a million and one
questions running through my head. I wish I had a pen to write them down. But I
didn’t so fuck it, let start with the simplest one first.
“So, what about the letter and the food?”
“I have no idea about where the food came from or who made that for you. I
know that the letter is from your father. I haven’t seen him since the night I
told him I was pregnant. I don’t have his number like he says I do. Matter of
fact I never called him back then all I did was… wait that can’t be that
“What are you talking about ma?”
“When we were in college, all I did was think about him. A few minutes
later he would appear all the way across campus. I bet if I think about what he
looked like we can figure out how to get in contact with him. That is, if you
I sat there for a few minutes trying to process whether or not if I wanted
to meet the man that had been absent from my life. When I was about to answer,
I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. Freaky. Two days ago, I wouldn’t have
heard the water running in the kitchen, now I could hear the leaky faucet in my
bathroom. I got up to go check out what the sound was coming from the kitchen.
My mom started to get out of her chair, as I walked by I pushed her back into
her seat.
“Shh, don’t get up. I’m going to go check on something in the kitchen.”
The closer I got to the kitchen the more I could feel the hairs on my neck
stand at attention, like dog bristling for an attack. My gut was screaming a
warning that I should run and not look back. That there is danger around
the corner and that it’s not worth looking into. Rounding the corner, I peeked
my head inside before my body could follow. I don’t see anything.
“It’s clear mom, I guess I’m just spooked,” I yell back towards the living
room. I went to turn back into the living room, I ran right into the wall. Well
what I thought was a wall. Most walls don’t have a heartbeat. I stumble back
into my kitchen table as I try to run from whatever I just bumped into.
“Do not worry child. It is ok.” Mr. Mysterious says to me.
I know that I should be worried but this calm feeling comes over me and I
realize I have nothing to fear. Um, red flag numero Uno. Taking a chance, I
straighten myself up so I can at least be presentable to whoever was in front
of me. It was my house and I wasn’t about to let someone see me with my tail
tucked between my legs. When I looked up it was like looking in the mirror. The
same green eyes were looking back at me.
“Holy shit, mom…you need to get in here, and I mean like Right now,” I yelled. I didn’t know what
else to do. I know that it’s childish to yell for your parents but who am I to
blame, when a kid needs their mom. I mean geesh cut me some slack here.
“What is it Em, I thought you said everything was fine. I am not cooking
you…. Well now isn’t this a surprise. Emery I see you have met your father.
It’s good to see you William.”
“Hello, Elizabeth.”
“William, I see you remember my name. Emery, this is your father. William,
Emery your daughter.”
Well I guess that takes care of everything. The man I never knew, name was
William and he’s standing in my damn kitchen. What the hell was that about? I
haven’t heard any doors open. Matter of fact I couldn’t hear anything pass all
the blood rushing to my head. Oh shit I think I am going to faint.
“Emery, are you ok darling?”
“Am I ok? Am I ok?” I exploded from around the table, “Do I look like I am
ok? Honestly mom, you walk in here and see him and all you can say is hello.
You aren’t going to yell at him for leaving you? You aren’t mad? Hell, he like
left you, and pregnant at that.”
“Of course I’m upset, but there is no use to yelling is there? What good
is that going to do us if we all start yelling? Why don’t you two have a seat
and I’ll put on some tea.”
“I don’t have tea and I don’t have a tea pot mom, so don’t worry about it,
just sit down so we can get through why he’s here.”
“Nonsense darling, I wouldn’t be half a witch if I couldn’t make tea out
of nowhere.”
“Whatever ma.” I’ve had enough of these so called witches and shape changer
lies. I don’t know what to believe any more. So now they want to tell me that
the things in my fairytales were real. All I wanted to do is curl up in my bed
and watch my favorite movie.
“Please do not talk to your mother like that. I know that it’s hard for
you to understand, but if you let me explain then we can get this show on the
I just sat there and looked at him. I mean like really looked at him. I
guess this was dissect your parents day, and I was the lucky winner. We had the
same green eyes; his nose was a little narrow and pointy for him to be black,
or at least what I think is black. We had the same caramel skin complexion and
we were built the same with long arms and legs and larger than average hands. I
could not believe that this is my father. I was finally meeting him and I didn’t
have anything to say. Wait a minute, hell yes I have something to say!
“What do you mean don’t talk to my mother like that. I’ll talk to the
woman who raised me any way I want! You do not have a right to come in my
house, and tell me what to do. I am twenty-five years old and you do not get
the chance to be my father after all this time. You need to leave. Matter of
fact why don’t both of you leave and let me get back to my birthday by MYSELF!”
I was so upset. I felt like my head was about to explode! I couldn’t get
them out of my house fast enough.
“Emery that’s enough, I have come here to make you understand what’s going
on with you. If you will not give me the time of day you will suffer. So do you
want to keep acting like a spoiled brat or the adult I’ve seen you grow to
“Sure William. Go ahead and explain to me what’s going to happen now. Are
you going to tell me that I’m going to turn furry during a full moon? Will I
have fangs like a vampire, what William? Just tell me whatever will make you go
away. I don’t need… Wait, did you just
say you watched me grow up? You cannot be serious right now. All those
time I wanted you near and you just watched. What kind of father are you? Who
does that to a kid? You know what, I’m done.” I started to get up from the
table. It looked like they were going to let me leave. With no one saying
anything I left.
I know I left there sounding like a whinny little kid, but it was too much
to handle. For twenty-five years my life has been the same. Now I had two
people telling me it was nothing I could ever imagine. I didn’t even know I was
crying until I looked into my bedroom mirror. How could they keep this away
from me? It’s like I didn’t know who I was any more.
You know who you are, just believe.
Huh? I just meet this man, now his voice is in my head. Something is going
seriously wrong today. This is the worst birthday ever!
It’s only a bad day if you make it to be, now come on out
of your room so we can talk face to face.
I didn’t know what to do. One minute I can’t stand being in there with my
parents the next, I want to know why he’s in my fucking head! I guess I know
what I’m going to have to do. Get my grown ass in the kitchen and take it like
a man, er woman I mean.
As I walk into the kitchen I head for the fridge. There are only two
things I need in my life right now: ice cream and vodka. Given the present
situation, Vodka it was. I pour myself a glass, straight, without a mixer,
times like these hard is best. I didn’t bother with asking anyone if they
wanted some. At this point, I really didn’t care what they wanted; I just
wanted to feel absolutely nothing.
I approached the table with my drink, to sit down to the trouble at hand,
and that trouble was my father. “Ok, so go ahead and explain whatever it is
that you think that would get me to like you; because at this point I don’t
like what I’ve seen so far. I mean really, seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY,
speaking in my head. What kind of person does that?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you Emery. If you would just
shut up for a moment and listen; then we can be on our way. Your grandmother
has been waiting to meet you for years.”
“Wait my grandmother. I have one of those? I… I’m sorry didn’t mean to
interrupt. Go ahead.” I gave him the same hand gesture to proceed that rude
people give you when you are wasting their time.
“As I was saying, Emery, I am you father.—“
I started laughing at the movie reference. At least he wasn’t dressed in
all black with a mask on, suffering from asthma problems.
“Emery Elise, show some respect!” my mother yelled at me.
“Sorry, continue please.”
“Before you interrupted, my name is William Blackhawk and I am the leader
of The Clan. I know that sounds funny but it is what it is. No we aren’t
strictly Indian, we aren’t a tribe, and we do not kill people. We are just a
group of people who banded together when humans where trying to kill us. I know
that you are going to have a million questions but let me get to the reason why
I am here.
First, I want to say that I am sorry that I wasn’t there for you while you
were growing up. It has never been heard of that Changer and a Witch would have
a baby together, two different classes of families. Most of a Changer’s powers do
not come on line until they have reached full maturity, usually around the age
of 25. That is why I am here today. I would like to take you back so I can show
you how to be this extraordinary person you will become. ---“
I had to cut him off, “---What do you mean take me back? Take me back
where? I’m sorry to inform you of this William, but I am not about to leave my
home so you can take me any damn where. So either get to the point or leave my
DAMN house!” This was getting to get on my nerves and my cup was half empty,
guess it’s time for a refill. I’m not sure what I believe anymore. It seemed
like the world had just tilted on its axis and I'm sure nothing was ever going
to be the same.
"I know that things are going to be difficult to understand at first,
but believe me dear I promise to help make your transition that much better. So
here's a little history about the clan. We originated in Spain sometime 800
b.c. no one remembers what happened to make us the way we are, there is no
explanation that we know of to this date. The very first Changer was Antonia
del Rey. You’ll hear people refer to her as Mother of All. The first Clan of
shapechangers came to North America right after the Spanish Inquisition. It was
a difficult time for them during that transition. But that's a history lesson
for another time.
What I'm trying to get to here Emery, is that in our history has not
allowed us a chance to adjust to modern times. When your mother and I met it
wasn't suitable to let different magical races to intermingle. That’s why I
wasn't able to be around you while you were growing up. With me being the
Second at that time I would have been kicked out of the Clan or killed if I
chose to stay with your mother.
One of the elders in the clan
decided to take it upon herself to try to take you when you were born. That’s
why your mother was under a blood oath. There was nothing else I could do. In
order to protect you I had to leave you behind. I am so sorry that you had to
grow up without me, but I promise to make it up to you. That’s why I want you
to come back with me, so you can understand the other half your culture.
Here’s my number, give me call with what you decide, but please do not
take all three days to so."
"What do you mean only three days? What will happen in three
"Trust me darling you do not want to find out. So give me a call dear
I'll be around," with that he just disappeared.
I was in shock when I looked up and he was gone. I mean how did he just do
that? There were just somethings I needed to figure out and figure
them out fast; especially if I only had three days to do them in according to
"So mom do you have anything to you want to say?" I asked as I
turned to look at my mother.
Emery kicks ass! Can't wait to see what the next 3 days will have in store for her. Witty, fun, snarky dialogue pulled me right into the story. Ha Vodka and ice cream, love it! Well done Ja'M, well done....